Hey You.

I am so glad you’re here.

By this point, you have spent 12 weeks alongside me and 11 other amazing widow sisters, digging deep into the depths of your grief. You’ve allowed yourself the chance to be witnessed, and for your raw pain to be held and heard. You’ve really embodied the hurt and have allowed it to pour out of you. You’ve shared things inside this space that you would have never imagined would be safe enough to share, and were met with nothing but compassion and understanding. You’ve tended to your nervous system, leaning into meditation/somatic practices you may not have experienced before. You’ve done the hard work… letting your grief take the drivers seat.

You finally feel like you are in the RIGHT place…. but you may be wondering now that the time is over, what is next?

This is when I step in and invite you to join me in a much more intimate, long term container where we can really start exploring “what’s next” together and in a safe way. Where we can stop letting the grief lead the way, and start integrating what it’s taught us into this next phase of life. This is where we can collectively start to peel back the layers even more, as we explore the ways we can expand into a new way of living… one that brings our person (and our grief) with us. A place where we all work together to find meaning, and ease as we shift more into acceptance of the title of widow and into a place of living once again.

I would love for you to join me for this very special space that I call…


What You Will Find Here…

This is a 6 month live group container for any alumni of Surviving Stigma looking to really start finding meaning in their life after loss.

Each month will have a different focal point and each weekly session will go a little deeper into whatever we are honing in on that month… we will dive into topics such as nervous system regulation, inner child/shadow work, energy work/hypnotherapy, career + financial planning, relationships and getting a clear idea on what we are individually wanting life to look like now as we make sense of living without out person.

You will also have access to 1:1 coaching (valued at $250 a session), access to in person retreats at heavily discounted rate, plus weekly yoga asana classes that will vary in flow week by week - think vinyasa flows, yin yoga, restorative, etc…

You will receive a workbook full of journal prompts and resources, as well as new recordings dropped every Sunday with information + suggestions on how to prepare for our Wednesday weekly sessions, and a Dropbox folder that you will keep for life with all of these videos and support.

Each session will start with a guided meditation to signal safety in the body and to ground you into the space, as well as ending each session with a gentle Somatic Practice to hold space for any emotion that may have arrived during our time together.

What Each Month Will Cover…

  • Month 1 : Intention + Goal Setting

    This month will be centered around what you are hoping to accomplish over these 6 months together. We will set intentions as a group and as individuals. Tap into goal setting and slowly start to lay a foundation covering the basics on how we want life to look/feel as we expand into the “after”

  • Month 2 : Nervous System + Energy/Shadow Work

    This month we will really dive into how we can nurture your nervous system though really getting familiar with it. This will include exploring energy work, deeply guided meditation/hypnotherapy as well as some shadow work to break through patterns and blocks that may even trace back to childhood.

  • Month 3: Career + Homelife + Finances

    This month we will begin exploring how we may be seeking out a different career path and ways to find fulfillment right where we stand. We will explore ways to make our homes feel more safe, chat about moving and the idea of completely starting over. We will work on financial planning, estate planning and easing into the power that comes along with having a plan in place for our household.

  • Month 4 : Relationships + What We Are Looking For Now

    We will chat about the type of relationships we are looking to embody in this new found life (dating, family, friends, etc)…. but also not just with other humans, but with ourselves and we learn to find love internally as a solo woman walking this path.

  • Month 5 : Permission to LIVE

    How do you want spent your time now that you know how delicate life can truly be? This month will center around how you want live. What you want to experience. How will you take intentional action to bring these new hobbies, relationships, Homelife, internal feelings, to life?

  • Month 6 : Integration + Wrap Up

    This is where we start to hit on all we’ve covered, deeply stepping into an integration period. This is where the 1:1 work will really start to gear up more as you as individuals will work even closer with me to reflect back on all you’ve unearthed during our time together. We will find ways to let this integration truly seep into your day to day and time going forward.

  • Julia Warren


    Julia became a widow on September 1, 2021 when her husband, Doug, succumbed to his lifelong battle with addiction and died of an accidental overdose. This left her a solo mom of two young boys, with a deeply unregulated nervous system, a burning desire to live life fully in his absence, and a passion to help many women just like her along the way by sharing her truth and their story.

    She is deeply passionate about speaking out about the intricate layers that come along with losing someone to addiction to help educate others and to soften the stigma, while providing a safe landing for those looking for support as they navigate stigmatized loss and widowhood.

    As a 500-hour trauma informed yoga teacher with extensive training in guided meditation, energy work, yogic philosophy, as well as nervous system regulation + somatics, she helps her clients find healing by teaching them how to get in touch with their bodies, their emotions and the felt sense that lives inside all of us through gentle somatic work and support.

The Details + FAQ’s

What’s the investment?

A single payment of $4444 will get you direct access the 6 month live support container. (there are payment plan options linked on the checkout page)

Please reach out if price is something that is holding you back. I am happy to work with you on this. I understand how this is a big financial commitment, which I do not take lightly, and I am more than happy to discuss options with you.

Please email me at julia@juliawarrenyoga.com to discuss any pricing restraints.

What if I decide to drop out, do you offer a refund?

Unfortunately, no. Due to the sacredness of this space and the container itself, the business and the overall integrity of the group, I will not be able to refund you. I am happy to answer any questions you may have before you enroll to make sure you are at ease with the decision and commitment you are making to yourself and to the container as well.

When do we start?

The course begins on July 13 and will run each Thursday at 11am CST (9am PST, 10am MST, 12pm EST) for 6 months.

If you can’t make it to the live container, that’s ok! You will receive recordings to keep for life and to utilize as needed.

How many women will be in the group?

I will cap the group at 12 women.

How long will each live group last?

I advise you carve out 60 minutes for our time together. This will be fluid, but I’d like to keep the sessions at an hour every week. You will have the option to work 1:1 with me weekly as well, based on a first come first serve calendar link that will go out every Sunday with your recording.

What do I need?

You’ll want to have Zoom downloaded on your phone or preferably your computer or tablet, as this is how we will meet live. You will want to download the Slack app if you feel called to connect with all of us outside of the weekly groups. As well as an open heart, a journal (or the workbook I will provide) and a quiet space where you can truly be present.

How can I ask more questions?

Simply email me at julia@juliawarrenyoga.com and I will get back to you with answers ASAP


Expansion is NOT a substitution for psychotherapy, I am not NOT a licensed therapist.

I cannot and will not offer medical advice.

To protect the purpose of our group, as well as guarantee the safety of each individual member I encourage everyone to seek out outside support for any issues beyond the objective of this group. This may include issues related to trauma, depression, addiction, suicidal ideation, and any other mental health struggles.

Other Helpful Recourses

  • Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

    Call or SMS: 988

  • Find a therapist:


  • Al-Anon Help for families and friends of alcoholics:


  • CoDa Codependents Anonymous


  • Alcoholics Anonymous


  • Narcotics Anonymous


  • Big Book Awakening (AA, Al-Anon, Overeating, Sex addiction, etc.)
